Week 12: Preparing for hell week

What did I do last week:

  • Met with Professor Ansari

  • Prepared for my final presentation (one of three, ha!)

  • Created my survey

  • Created some of the activities in my cultural probe

Met with Professor Ansari

On Friday, I met with Professor Ansari to go over my research plan. I wanted to get feedback specifically on the plans that I had for my cultural probes and to get a sense of what else I needed to do for my final presentation on Monday. The meeting was really helpful. I was able to get feedback on the probe activities I did have and some suggestions for other things that I could do to make it more extensive. Particularly, I liked the feedback that I should add more sections to allow participants to record more of their feelings and thoughts on their identity. I will definitely add those into my probes.

Prepared for my final presentation (one of three, ha!)

The most work I did last week was to prepare for my final class presentation. It’s one of three final presentations I have that week. To say I was stressed would be the understatement of the century. Sometimes I wonder if professors are being intentionally cruel and make sure to put everything all in the same week. Anyways, I spent most of Saturday and Sunday creating the presentation. I liked how it turned out. However, I had so much trouble trying to record it. I ended up having to record it 5 times. Sometimes there were audio issues. Sometimes the screen wouldn’t show. Other times it was just way too long. After not being able to shave any more than 30 seconds off my presentation each time, I gave up and turned it in. I think it went pretty well. Got lots of good feedback. Mostly glad it’s over.

Created my survey

After I met with Professor Ansari, I created my screener survey. At first, it was going to be just a survey I send to people I already wanted to participant in my cultural probe. But after the meeting, the survey itself became a recruiting method. From the participants, I would be able to be selective about who I want to participate in my cultural probe. So far I’ve put it onto my Instagram and group chat with high school friends and I’ve gotten 8 responses so far. I’m hoping to push it to more of my network and get more responses next and the following week.

Created some of the activities in my cultural probe

Last for this week, I created two of the activities in my cultural probe: my table mapping activity and my cardsorting activity. The other activities on my list won’t require as much legwork and just clear instructions, which is why I did these 2 first. I liked the format that I designed and will be using that for the rest of my activities. I’m hoping to finish it after I finishing writing the first two chapters of my dissertation next week.


Week 13: I’m still writing. Where is this light at the end of the tunnel?


Week 11: The little work I did during Thanksgiving